About Us

Hey fellow moaners

We are assuming if you're here that you're like us and love a good moan. While this suggests we are 85 years old with buckets of life experience, we are in fact two 20 year old students at Bournemouth University. Yeah, we know we are experiencing 'the best years of our lives' and should be too drunk to even string a sentence together, but we find ourselves ranting on a daily basis and thought we may as well put it to good use. 

So here we are

On the left is Kirsti from Kent. Probably the most organised, forward thinking person you will ever meet. If she doesn't know about something, you really don't need to worry about it. Has a habit of talking to her food like it's a real life human, and every time she runs up the stairs it feels as though the house has been invaded by a heard of elephants. Minor obsession with Nutter Butters, and is always there if ever you just don't feel like popping your own spot. 

On the right is Emma from Brighton (she says Brighton because nobody has ever heard of the tiny village she is really from). She is the most indecisive person in the world, but she can quote Step Brothers like nobody you will ever meet. She's the friend that is, without fail, ALWAYS the drunkest. If you need a partner for a geography test, avoid her at all costs, but if it's a hand with a jigsaw - she's your girl.

We hope that we can reassure you that in some of your weirdest little annoyances you are not alone, we are bound to share them too.

Happy moaning!

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