4 Quick & Easy Ways To Make You Feel Smarter
Remember being that age where being intelligent simply wasn't 'cool'? Putting your hand up to every single answer was a massive no no, and being labelled the 'teacher's pet' was probably one of the worst insults you could receieve.
March Musts
Must Watch - Pretty Little Liars
OK so we are really behind so don't you dare comment a spoiler! We only just discovered this series this month and are completely hooked (as if we needed another excuse to spend our lives in our pjs watching Netflix). March was the month of the big reveal, where everyone found out who A is so it only seemed right to make Pretty Little Liars the must watch of this month.
Must Read - None of the Above
Each new opportunity that comes, whether it's an interview or just an application, you talk yourself round to having this job as your new or temporary life before you've even got it. Then if you don't get it you're bitterly disappointed, or if you get accepted you doubt that the path is definitely right for you.
We are currently in the process of applying for a year long placement and we can honestly say we've never felt so unsettled! We are obsessive planners, and like to always know our next step, but how can we when we don't know what company or job role we will have, whether we will be living at home or getting our own place, or when we will even start when we do get one?
Applying for a job sounds pretty easy, but we can assure you it's not. There are so many things we wish we had known when we first started applying, and hopefully this post will help with anyone going through the application process, and maybe make you prepared for what's to come.
1) Try and find out what you want to do
When we first started applying we were fussy, we wanted an exact role and wouldn't settle for anything less. A few months and a lot of rejections later we flipped to the opposite, applying for absolutely anything and everything. Then when we started to get opportunities we realised that we actually no longer knew what we wanted, and quickly figured out that the only way to know is to explore. This then leads on to...
2) Don't judge a role by it's description
Kirst got offered an interview and was convinced the role wasn't for her. For days on end she was toying between whether to go or not, if she didn't go she felt as if she would look back regretting and asking 'what if?', but she also had a gut feeling that it just wasn't for her. Despite these feelings, she went to the interview for peace of mind, and because well... time felt as if it was running out. Luckily for her, she absolutely loved it - her gut feeling was way off and instead, within the first 10 minutes she couldn't see herself anywhere else. Moral of the story? First impressions aren't always accurate, and we'd rather take rejection than regret.
3) Be unique in selling yourself
One of the placements that Em applied for specifically asked to not be bored with a 'generic cover letter'. So many people just changed the company name in their cover letter, and it shows. Every job is different, even if the only difference in the actual role is the company it's for, meaning that everyone wants something different from you. Sell yourself differently to match the tone of the company, it will make you much more likely to stand out and less likely to be ignored.
4) Know your company from the word go
Two words... surprise interviews. Companies are always looking for ways to get the most honest representation of you that they can. When they ask for an interview they know you will go away and swot up on what you might be asked, and let's be honest anyone can do that. As soon as you apply for a job spend time getting to know the company inside out (you should have already started doing this when writing your cover letter) so that your confidence is evident right from the start.
5) Ask questions
When applying for a job you think that all the questions are directed at you, but actually what you ask says a lot about you. It tells the company what it is you want from the job, and determines how passionate you are about getting it. Ask questions that make you look genuinely interested, such as questions about the working environment, your responsibilities etc so you find out about the potential job and make it look like its something that you really want.
6) Be prepared to be rejected
We've done a whole post on being rejected, find it here. When applying for multiple jobs it's important to know that you are likely to face rejection, even if you haven't done anything wrong. You could have been the perfect employee, but someone else may have just had one teeny tiny element that made them suit the job better. It's important that you don't doubt yourself. Rejection is just another phase in the process, and you can't let it knock your confidence. Accept the rejection, take on board the feedback and use it go for the next job with a whole new sense of experience.
Changed might be the wrong name for this post. Maybe it was there before but we just never noticed it, or maybe social media has brought out a side of us and just exaggerated it. But I’m sure that I don’t remember people being so in-your-face before. I don’t remember this much bragging going on. Is that true? Or was it just easier to ignore then? When it was just coming from someones mouth it was easier to zone it. Now, it’s all over our phones. Every platform we are on, it’s there. You’ve posted the same image over Instagram, Twitter and Facebook just to ensure that every person in your life has seen it.
Remember being that age where being intelligent simply wasn't 'cool'? Putting your hand up to every single answer was a massive no no, and being labelled the 'teacher's pet' was probably one of the worst insults you could receieve.
Imagine how much more intelligent we would be now if we had fought against this stage. If we had asked every question that had ever popped into how our heads, or actually went to the library to read about what interested us. The trouble is that this stage has made it difficult for us to want to learn. Now we are expected to be knowledgeable, to be passionate and to be educated about our interests, but we have spent so long pretending that we don't want to do that, that we've actually fogotten how.
With knowledge comes confidence, but we live such busy lifestyles and consume so much media, that we don't always have the time to spend a few hours reading a book or watching three hour long documentaries. Luckily, the advance in media means that we don't have to, and these 4 ways show you how:
1) Unreported World
There is nothing better than a documentary that makes you feel like you have a whole new found knowledge when the end titles role. If you have the time, you can find our top documentaries here: But after a long day we can't really be blamed for not having enough of an attention span to sit through a couple of hours of factual viweing. The end of a long work day is made for guilty pleasure TV (hellooooo PLL), but you can still be educated easily if you want to be. Unreported is a Channel 4 documentary series that covers all sorts of cultural issues around the world, from bull riding to the war in Syria, and the best part? They are only 25 mintues long. Everything you need to know about a topic in under half an hour, that I think we can manage.
2) Flipboard
The trouble with being educated in a range of topics is that you are not always in the mood to learn about each one. You may not want to follow a Twitter page about politics, because lets face it who wants to see politics every single time they refresh their timeline? Flipboard is a great app that lets you pick your interests, and then presents articles surrounding those interests to you each day. The articles are presented in the style of a magazine, meaning you can literally flip through and skip the ones that don't take your fancy. Not only are all relevant articles in one place, but they are based on exactly what you are interested in and can be skipped depending on what you feel like being educated about that day.
3) TED Talks
Apparently there are people out there who do not like to read (crazy, we know). People are often put off learning through associating it with spending hours with your head stuck in a boring book, but this really doesn't have to be the case. TEDTalks are all different lenghts, on every topic you could possibly think of and for some, are a much more captivating way of learning. You know those evenings where you get seriously lost in the deep depths of Youtube? Well you can do the exact same on TED and become more educated without even realising.
4) Talking
When we think about learning we immediately associated fact. We want statistics, research or any form of hard evidence that we can trust. It's not our fault, education has pretty much programmed us this way, but the trouble is there's so much to learn about that cannot be based on fact at all. Take culture for example, the best way to learn about a culture is to expereince it, and the most effective way of doing that is talking to the people. Okay so that doesn't mean if you want to learn about France, then you need to book a trip there straight away (although we are not saying that's a bad idea), but the chances are the people you know have the knowledge you need. Sharing knowledge is one of the best ways to gain knowledge, and you can feel a whole lot smarter simply by learning what somebody else already knows.
March Musts
Must Watch - Pretty Little Liars
OK so we are really behind so don't you dare comment a spoiler! We only just discovered this series this month and are completely hooked (as if we needed another excuse to spend our lives in our pjs watching Netflix). March was the month of the big reveal, where everyone found out who A is so it only seemed right to make Pretty Little Liars the must watch of this month.
Must Read - None of the Above
The media seems to be absolutely obsessed with reporting negatively about the younger generation when it comes to voting. As the general election approaches its becoming more important to address this. Rick Edwards explains both the need to vote, and how to know who to vote for in a way that's easy for everyone to understand. There's no shame in not understanding politics (does anyone really understand it?), but this doesn't mean you can't make an effort to engage in it. Your vote matters, and if you don't think it does then you definitely need to give this a read.
Must Use - Clinique Take The Day Off
Now this we are a little embarrassed about. Most bloggers have probably been using this kind of product for years, and were totally aware of why it is so essential. But we weren't. Before, we would use make up wipes, face washes, water, cleanser, toner.... the lot - but none of this. Clinique's Take The Day Off Cleansing Oil takes off all traces of make-up and oil and leaves our faces so fresh and clean. Who knew we were potentially leaving so much crap on our faces?! At £22.00 a bottle it is a bargain, you use one squirt each time and it seems as if its lasting a lifetime. Perfect for both of our skin types and so lightweight on our faces - the best addition to our skincare regime.
Must Eat - Shredded Wheat Nests
Why Mini Eggs are only around at Easter is beyond us. We like to eat as many as possible before they are off the shelves and these nests are the perfect opportunity to do just that. These cakes just say Spring and are a great way to break those Summer diets that everyone is starting. Find the recipe here.
Must Buy - Activewear
The weather has definitely brightened up and everyone's starting to get on that health hype (seriously is all people can talk about dieting?). With brighter weather there are becoming less excuses to not work out. If you're going to do it then you may as well do it in style. Buying workout clothes is a great motivator, and lets face it getting on the move is better than the low calorie diet that people alternatively choose.
Must Wear - Zara Skinny Jeans
Anyone else sick of the Topshop Joni/MOTO/Leigh/Jamie jeans? Yep, us too. They fade within a few washes, they don't fit all shapes and most importantly - they don't even feel like jeans. We are a nation of followers, and unfortunately we always fall for the price tag. We think that if something is more expensive, we are getting better quality. This is not true. To us, Topshop's jeans feel similar to jeggins. Have you ever worn Joni jeans on really cold day? Useless. The cold goes straight through them. We have found the perfect range of jeans in Zara - so many types, so many colours and all around the £23-£30 mark! Granted, Zara aren't great for their organisation is stores, so it's likely you will have to take a long look around to find different ones, but it is so so worth it. Comfortable, flattering and above all, actual jeans!
Must Go - To A Restaurant You've Never Been to Before
If you're regular readers of your blog you will know this has been our March obsession. We have spent far too much money eating out this month (explains why we haven't made our current loan last until our next), but it's been the best idea we have had. There's just something about Spring that makes you think of a fresh start, and to do that you have to try things that are different. We are such creatures of habit when it comes to food, so break it and trust us you will not regret the good food that you will enjoy as a result.
6 Tips When Applying To A Job
Whether you are trying to get a job, internship or placement you are going to be going through a pretty stressful period. Taking a new direction is daunting, especially when you are not sure which direction you will be taking.
Each new opportunity that comes, whether it's an interview or just an application, you talk yourself round to having this job as your new or temporary life before you've even got it. Then if you don't get it you're bitterly disappointed, or if you get accepted you doubt that the path is definitely right for you.
We are currently in the process of applying for a year long placement and we can honestly say we've never felt so unsettled! We are obsessive planners, and like to always know our next step, but how can we when we don't know what company or job role we will have, whether we will be living at home or getting our own place, or when we will even start when we do get one?
Applying for a job sounds pretty easy, but we can assure you it's not. There are so many things we wish we had known when we first started applying, and hopefully this post will help with anyone going through the application process, and maybe make you prepared for what's to come.
1) Try and find out what you want to do
When we first started applying we were fussy, we wanted an exact role and wouldn't settle for anything less. A few months and a lot of rejections later we flipped to the opposite, applying for absolutely anything and everything. Then when we started to get opportunities we realised that we actually no longer knew what we wanted, and quickly figured out that the only way to know is to explore. This then leads on to...
2) Don't judge a role by it's description
Kirst got offered an interview and was convinced the role wasn't for her. For days on end she was toying between whether to go or not, if she didn't go she felt as if she would look back regretting and asking 'what if?', but she also had a gut feeling that it just wasn't for her. Despite these feelings, she went to the interview for peace of mind, and because well... time felt as if it was running out. Luckily for her, she absolutely loved it - her gut feeling was way off and instead, within the first 10 minutes she couldn't see herself anywhere else. Moral of the story? First impressions aren't always accurate, and we'd rather take rejection than regret.
3) Be unique in selling yourself
One of the placements that Em applied for specifically asked to not be bored with a 'generic cover letter'. So many people just changed the company name in their cover letter, and it shows. Every job is different, even if the only difference in the actual role is the company it's for, meaning that everyone wants something different from you. Sell yourself differently to match the tone of the company, it will make you much more likely to stand out and less likely to be ignored.
4) Know your company from the word go
Two words... surprise interviews. Companies are always looking for ways to get the most honest representation of you that they can. When they ask for an interview they know you will go away and swot up on what you might be asked, and let's be honest anyone can do that. As soon as you apply for a job spend time getting to know the company inside out (you should have already started doing this when writing your cover letter) so that your confidence is evident right from the start.
5) Ask questions
When applying for a job you think that all the questions are directed at you, but actually what you ask says a lot about you. It tells the company what it is you want from the job, and determines how passionate you are about getting it. Ask questions that make you look genuinely interested, such as questions about the working environment, your responsibilities etc so you find out about the potential job and make it look like its something that you really want.
6) Be prepared to be rejected
We've done a whole post on being rejected, find it here. When applying for multiple jobs it's important to know that you are likely to face rejection, even if you haven't done anything wrong. You could have been the perfect employee, but someone else may have just had one teeny tiny element that made them suit the job better. It's important that you don't doubt yourself. Rejection is just another phase in the process, and you can't let it knock your confidence. Accept the rejection, take on board the feedback and use it go for the next job with a whole new sense of experience.
How Social Media Has Changed Us
Changed might be the wrong name for this post. Maybe it was there before but we just never noticed it, or maybe social media has brought out a side of us and just exaggerated it. But I’m sure that I don’t remember people being so in-your-face before. I don’t remember this much bragging going on. Is that true? Or was it just easier to ignore then? When it was just coming from someones mouth it was easier to zone it. Now, it’s all over our phones. Every platform we are on, it’s there. You’ve posted the same image over Instagram, Twitter and Facebook just to ensure that every person in your life has seen it.
Now, don’t get me wrong. We’re all guilty of it, we all have given in to it and now document most aspects of our life. Granted, some worse than others but recently it’s really started to get to me. It’s really started to annoy me way more than it did before. I can’t go out for lunch with my friends without one of them putting up a picture of what we ate. When did that become so important? Why does everyone need to know every minute of your day?
Instagram is now a really irritating one for this. It’s now become everybody’s blog – they update their followers like they are a fan base. It’s so superficial and so frustrating that I now search for posts that look at least a little genuine, like that person isn’t just putting that on for show, but actually because they just like that photo and want to share it. There are little numbers of genuine desire to share, and more and more of just showing off.
Holidays just illustrate this. I have never seen so many people post pictures of their Christmas presents, until this year. When did that become so impersonal? It used to be about spending it with your family, thought over price – now what, if your boyfriend didn’t get that Michael Kors watch for you, you won’t have anything to post? It’s crazy. But it’s true. I see it in everyone.
I have friends who have posted a picture of themselves at the gym, taken months ago, and yet repost it today just because they forgot to take a picture of it that day, and couldn’t possibly not document that moment in life.
It’s stupid. How ridiculous does that sound? But then look at yourself. How many times have you gone to post a picture or a tweet but haven’t done it because it’s not “interesting enough”, or you have actually posted something just to prove a point. You hate that picture of you from last night, but you post it anyway just so everyone knows you weren’t sat in waiting to find out who killed Lucy Beale (guilty).
I think my problem with it lies within the fact that I find it all fake. I find that people feel forced to post something to prove their existence, or prove their worth. ‘OMG, you don’t have Facebook? Where do you post that you went for a cheeky Nandos?’ springs to mind. It’s funny, I know. But at the same time it’s scary. I feel that we’ve lost a sense of life, whilst trying to desperately to show that we have one. We can no longer wish our Mum’s a happy Mothers Day without posting it everywhere so that the world knows that she's ‘the best mum in the world’.
Nothing feels genuine. I hate the feeling that someone is posting something for me, when it’s actually for the sake of their followers.
Kirsti x
How To Make Your Twitter Employer Friendly
Sure everyone talks about this real world, and it's never sounded like much fun but being in it is a whole other story. Having to face employers (and the rejection that they are so keen to dish out) makes you question your abilities, and how you come across to others, which like we said is pretty tiring.
But unfortunately it has to be done, and while we would love to book a one way ticket to somewhere hot and carefree, our morning is actually going to be spent applying to placements, sigh.
Ok, so we'll stop moaning now and get to actually being helpful.
Are you one of those people that tweets absolutely every thought that you have? Do you tweet without a second thought? And think that the more controversial you are the better? Well if so then we love people like you, but employers may not.
Gone are the days when you turn up to a job interview and are judged on how you perform, and the way you appear (oh how much easier would that be!?), nope now there is a whole library of information that employers can find on you, and that's all thanks to the wonderful place we like to call the internet.
While Big Brother is a set up environment it's not too far away from real life, and employers really are like Big Brother watching you. What better way to get to know what someone actually thinks, than stalking them on an account where they will happily bare all without a second thought?
You need to show some consideration to how you come across online, and here's a few tips on how to do so:
1) Show an interest in global affairs
This is extremely impressive to employers as it shows you have interests that are of use, rather than just being interested in who slapped who on The Real Housewives (sorry Kirst). We have been asked to discuss events taking place in the world in previous interviews, so displaying a knowledge through your online identity will help employers find what they are looking for in their candidates.
2) Avoid bragging about working on a hangover
While your friends may find this funny and impressive your potential employers will not. We are not saying don't do it (because where's the fun in that?) but what we are saying is don't brag about it. This instantly tells employers that you are unreliable and makes them question if you would be someone they could trust to employ.
3) Be careful what you retweet and favourite
So often we do not consider what we favourite/retweet and simply click a button to do so without even thinking. Ok granted you didn't write the tweet, but what you favourite actually tells an employer a lot about you, as it's an indirect way of expressing views that you might have. Would it be something that, with employers watching you in mind, you would tweet? No? Then don't favourite/retweet it.
4) Ditch references to things that break the law
This sounds ridiculously obvious, but you wouldn't believe how many people do it. Tweeting about the illegal substances you consumed the night before may be the norm for you, but 83% of employers say that this would completely put them off employing you (understandable really). You have to get the balance of being yourself, and impressing employers, meaning that some things need to go unsaid we're afraid.
5) Watch the grammar
We know, we know your Twitter isn't an academic piece of work, and you spend enough time proof reading assignments, but the trouble is that this is what is expected of you, where as correct spelling on Twitter, typically is not. This means that employers are shown your true literary abilities (rather than the usual spell checked stuff you've written elsewhere), and with 66% of hiring managers claiming they would be put off by evidence of poor grammar, we're sorry to say that spell checking your Twitter is gonna have to happen.
6) Pick your opinions wisely
If you know you will be applying for a job at a specific company, make sure your tweets show a consideration of this. You may think you are fine if you are not negatively tweeting about the company themselves, but many of the big corporations work together, so be careful to not be digging at any alliances that they may have. Do your research, and make sure you censor your posts so that a potential employer will not be offended by what you have written.
It seems like the obvious solution would be just be to make your account private right? Unfortunately not, as this will limit your accessibility when you are searching for a job. Instead it's best to find a balance between being yourself, and being someone that employers will like.
This does not mean singing the praises of all your potential employers (hellooo they will see right through you), but it does mean being mindful of how you conduct yourself online. Like we said, this is the 'real world' now, and as much as we hate to admit it, this means being responsible and attempting to appear to like adult (most of the time).
Spring Wishlist
The sun is shinning and the dark, cosy knits are starting to get pushed to the back of the wardrobe. In come the florals, pastels and the flowy tops ready for the warmer weather that is about to be upon us.
We love Spring, but we do not love our budget (where there's a love, there's a moan!). With our bills due, and our loan rapidly running out, we've found ourselves lusting over some Spring essentials that we absolutely cannot afford (why we do it to yourselves, we will never know).
River Island - Tote Bag (£50)
There is nothing better than Spring neutrals. This bag is huge, is the perfect balance of two tones and contains black handles so that it goes with absolutely everything! Why oh why is it £50!? It's beautiful, and compliments the warm weather perfectly. We know there are far cheaper options available, but this one is such a staple, and would be timeless so come on it must be worth it?
New Look - White Leather Ankle Strap (£34.99)
We both have never really got involved in the white shoe trend. We don't like the big clumpy white shoes that are in fashion, no idea why, we just can't see ourselves wearing them. These on the other hand are subtle, and sophisticated whilst successfully fitting the white trend. They are understated, and fit our style much better than many others on the market. Our only problem is how much we would ruin them. They are a nice idea, but who could keep these clean after one too many drinks!?
Accessorize - Floral Burst Satin Vest Set (£24)
We are obsessed with PJs. Seriously we can't get out pyjama draws closed, and yet we still find ourselves buying more on a weekly basis. We've never really thought of ourselves are girlie girls, but our pyjama collection really does say otherwise. Kirst has an obsession with matching, and this set is perfect for that. It's satin, and floral making it perfect for a comfy (but pretty) sleep as the weather gets warmer.
Cath Kidston - Cake Stand (£36)
We admit we are bit old before our time. We couldn't even count the amount of time we've wasted walking around homeware stores dreaming of our future home. Spring is the absolute perfect time for baking, and while we are don't really get round to doing much of it at uni we still like to lust over kitchenware. This cake stand from Cath Kidston is the perfect stand for Easter treats, and could easily brighten any home.
Dune - Natallie Embellished Flat Sandals (£69)
We are definitely the type to buy sandals and chuck them out after the season is over. We usually spend £10-£20 and ruin them within a few weeks of wearing them. They are not really something we put a large amount of though into them, despite them being a Spring/Summer essential. These from Dune are gorgeous! The detail is summery, but isn't too much. Definitely couldn't ruin these and chuck them away for the price though!
H&M Bikini Set (£21)
We are both obsessed with this style of bikini, and it was the only type we wore on holiday last year. It suits our body shape (by that we mean lack of boobs), and versatile with the removable straps. We've had lots of H&M bikini's in the past and they fit well, and lasts from all the chlorine. The floral pattern makes it perfect for round the pool, and would look so so nice with a tan (oh if only we could afford a holiday!).
Mac - Please Me Lipstick (£26)
Colder weather calls for the deep, dark lipstick shades but warmer weather calls for warmer colours. We do need to be adventurous in our lipstick shades, as we tend to stick to safer colours but this one just seems perfect for Spring. It's bright enough for your lips to stand out, but soft enough to compliment the bold florals you are likely to be wearing.
New Look - Lilac Scallop Hem Cami (£12.99)
Sunshine means pastels. While this top is pretty plain (some might even go as far as boring), there's something about it being in lilac. It doesn't stand out at all, but at the same time is unique and pretty effective for such a simple top. Definitely something that should be in your wardrobe that could easily be paired with other pastels.
Missguided - Lace Halterneck Drawstring Playsuit (£35)
We're not sure whether this item of clothing itself, or the desire to be able to pull something like this off is what we are wishing for here. The combination of white and floral pattern make this absolutely perfect for summer. It could be worn on so many occasions, and has that simply but stylish look. Something that you could throw on, and still look like you've made heaps of effort (the best kind of outfit!).
O.P.I Hawaiian Orchid (£11.50)
In keeping with the neutral Spring theme this shade is definitely the one. It's a pastel but it's bright enough to stand out. Often when we buy pink nail varnish it looks lovely in the bottle, and then goes sort of 'see through' when it's applied. This one makes a statement, but is light enough for Spring and pairing with those bold statement tops.
We know we're daydreamers, but if we had everything we wanted then what on earth would we have to moan about!?
February Favourites
After the stress of January we were hoping for a nice quiet February (occasionally we are optimistic), but within the first week we knew this wasn't going to happen. We were set into an instant panic with assignment briefings and placement interviews, and as control freaks our minds instantly went into overdrive.
Although we could easily come up with plenty of moans regarding the month, we thought it might be slightly more enjoyable for you to read our favourites instead.
Favourite Discovery:
Vimto is the best mixer! With all the stress we've needed a drink (or five) and after becoming completely bored of all other mixers we've discovered one that makes our drinks half bearable.
Favourite Food:
Even looking at this picture again we are dribbling. 7 Bone (in Bournemouth & Southampton) officially sells the best burgers on the South Coast. One beef, one chicken, chips, mac & cheese bites (seriously, deep fried cheese and pasta, does it get much better?) plus a side of mac & cheese (we may be petite, but boy can we eat). We didn't want the last mouthful to end, and have no doubts that this will be our go to place when the burger cravings strike.
Favourite Quote:
Our reasoning behind this is in our post It's OK To Never Feel At Home. Living in a house this year (halls doesn't count, it's basically a year long holiday) has made us think about what having a 'home' actually means, and why we don't feel like we have one.
Favourite Film:
Not only is this a February favourite, but one of the best films we've seen in a long time. We went to the cinema to see this and at the end of the film, every single person in the cinema was silent. A must watch!
Favourite Book:
Dave Trott's 'Predatory Thinking' is great for getting your brain waves working and for a bit of inspiration, whether that be at uni, work or just home life. The book is described as 'a masterclass in out-thinking the competition' and inspires different ways of thinking. You can get it for just £2.35 on Amazon (plus postage) and is definitely worth a read!
Favourite Bake:
Caramac Cookies! Em has been obsessed with Caramacs since she was little (seriously she keeps them everywhere, her desk/cupboard/car/bag), so these are pretty much perfection. They are so easy to make, and probably the most sickly things you will ever eat (in a good way). You can find the recipe here.
Favourite Polish:
Ok this isn't actually new to February so it's a favourite re-discovery. With Spring just around the corner it's ta-ta to the dark shades and hello to the fresh, bright neutrals. Essie Fiji is has a slight pink tone, creating a clean fresh look (perfect for the brighter weather).
Why Social Media Is Talking You Out Of A Night In
It's Friday night and your sitting in your pjs with a dominoes feeling like you should be in heels and a tight dress, like the other 90% of people your age. It's strange because you're not having a bad time, quite the opposite actually you're having a fabulous time, but you've looked through Instagram and seen a million 'out out

When did enjoying yourself become so centred around how you are perceived by others? You can bet your life that you are happier in a baggy tee with pizza in one hand and a tea in the other, than you would be with your toes squished and ankles awkwardly arched, while you stumble around sucking in your belly because your dress is too tight. So why do we do it? We can't even count the amount of times we've forced make up on, and every sip of alcohol has been a struggle, but the fear of missing out has won again.
No snapchat story of us dancing with a drink? No overly posey selfie with a caption telling everyone what club we are going to? No hungover Sunday status about how we are 'never drinking again'? Oh no that just won't do.
We live in a world where posting about a night out is more fun than the night itself. Where we can never do what we would rather be doing because that's not interesting to others. A night out is not a night out if it hasn't been posted about, and most of the time is spent focused on how the night will be documented best.
Going out is no longer for fun, it's to have something to update, it's to create an interesting online existence. Dresses can't be re-worn because they are posted for all to see, and you can't be drunk and embarrassing without the whole world being in on your antics. Your night is shared with the everyone, and you better hope it's good enough to keep your social networking the perfect representation of your life.
Ok ok we could moan about social media all day, but I guess the point is do what you enjoy, not what is enjoyable for viewers to see. Stay in on a Saturday with a takeaway and old episodes of Gavin & Stacey, the beauty of social media is that it's not real, so you can always upload a throwback and pretend you were 'out out
' last night.

30 Things We Would Tell Our 14-Year-Old Selves
This year we both turn 21. We’ve lived together for a year and a half now and are pretty close, we share basically everything – including our mood swings. Deep conversations (or DMC’s if you’d prefer) are a common habit of ours and today we found ourselves compiling a list of things we would tell our 14-year-old selves.
So here it is, agree or disagree? Can you think of more? Leave a comment, we’d love to know!
1. Pull your skirt down
2. Stop using dream matte mousse
3. Throw your Jane Norman bag away. Now
4. You really don’t need 6 layers of mascara
4. You really don’t need 6 layers of mascara
5. It is not OK to have holes in your tights
6. Cross-the-body bags will give you severe back ache in a few years
7. Lunchtime is for eating not a chance to re-do your make-up
8. Go and get your eyebrows done professionally. You will suffer for the over-plucking
9. Don’t let the sole of your shoe fall off before you buy new ones
10. Your mum is right. That friend will screw you over
11. Quality over quantity. This refers to friends, layers of mascara…
12. Eat as much pizza as possible, fast metabolism is a temporary gift
13. Stop moaning. That homework is not real work, do it and then go out.
14. You do not love him
15. Friendships aren't based on time. Just because you've known them the longest, doesn't mean they are the most important.
16. Do not stop playing netball just because your friends have
17. Do not stop anything just because your friends have
18. That lip gloss does not make you look “sassy”
19. Your mum’s cooking is not crap
20. Stop holding your fringe with a clip
21. On the subject of fringes, a gap is not the end of the world
22. Stick-on fake nails do not look real. At all
23. Claire’s Accessories does not count as jewellery
24. And Charlie does not count as perfume
25. Lambrini is not wine and Vodka should be mixed
26. Only speaking over text does not count as a relationship. You will not call him an “ex” when you’re twenty.
27. Your natural hair colour is fine
28. Be prepared for your friends to really let you down. But chill, you will find friends that really do care
29. Not everyone sticks to “treat others how you like to be treated”. Remember that.
30. And lastly, relax. You’re doing better than what you think you are
Long Distance Relationships
They say making up with your partner is the best part of fighting. Some couples even enjoy arguing because the making up is so enjoyable. This, I can tell you, is because of the wonder that is make-up sex. So what do you do when your boyfriend is thousands of miles away? When the chance of intercourse is zero and instead you get a lousy ‘sorry’ text.
It’s tough. Long distance relationships are tough. I didn’t realise just how important reassurance is in a relationship until my boyfriend moved away. Normally, it would just come from being in their presence. You argue, you both say sorry, cuddle, kiss, you know the rest. A new conversation begins and all memory of an argument is gone. Nobody prepares you for that to change, or at least nobody warned me.
It’s as if there is no proper end to a fight if you aren’t stood in front of each other. As a whole, a lack of reassurance can put a lot of pressure and anxiety into a relationship. Normally, your partner would call and ask if you want to go for dinner, or if you want to chill and watch that film you've been raving about for weeks. Suddenly everything revolves around words. Yes, you can send a nice card or present via post and remind them that you’re thinking of them, but how many students can afford £7.50 postage (Seriously, do Royal Mail not offer student discount?)
If you said this to me a two years ago, I would say that I’m not the kind of person who needs reassurance. I would say that I don’t need my boyfriend to tell me he’s missing me or he saw something that day and it reminded him of me. But long distance relationships are a whole new world, a world where suddenly “actions speak louder than words” is pretty much irrelevant. It’s time to man up and say your feelings out loud. Misunderstandings are frequent and communication really is important. We all know how easy it is to interpret a text wrong, and we’ve all had an argument spiral out of control because your tone of voice was ‘stressy’.
It’s important to take the time to not only check your messages before you send them, but make sure the relationship is of equal sides. Remember that your partner isn’t a mind reader, and sometimes it’s nice to wake up to a ‘hey! you need to watch this film, I know you’d love it’. Be careful not to jump the gun, and most importantly – make time for each other. Just because you cannot physically be together, doesn't mean that you stop making time for them. Find a time that you can both have a proper conversation, whether it be on the phone or on Skype.
Its tough (I’ve said that, haven’t I?), but it is worth it. It just takes a lot of getting used to, and a lot of moaning along the way..
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