We've all been there, you wake up and your mood instantly seems off. There's no real reason for it, but you just know that it's going to be a bad day.
Yesterday Kirsti tweeted "I've had the worst day in the history of worst days and it's not even 3pm". If you looked at yesterday and tried to pinpoint why this was, you would find no evidence. Apart from the fact we missed a lecture because we couldn't find anywhere to park (this was a one off, promise!) - it was a pretty normal day.
Nothing negative had happened. No arguments, nothing. We even had a pretty decent dinner (enchiladas, nachos and salad, if you're wondering). We realised we had spent the whole day punishing ourselves for being in a bad mood, which as you can guess, didn't exactly make us feel any better.
Why are we sat here trying to force ourselves into a good mood? Emotions are temporary. They are feelings. They aren't a way of life. Just because we are not sat here crying with laughter every moment of the day, doesn't mean we are bad people.
We all have these days. You wake up and the mood is already engrained in you. Then you set off into the world with this mind set, making every little thing seem to contribute to making your day worse. Things that normally wouldn't phase you are suddenly the worst things that could happen and you find yourself angry, demotivated and annoyed at just about everything.
You start to get annoyed at your attitude, telling yourself to 'snap out of it', but really if you could then you would.
The point is that it's ok. You're allowed to have a bad day, and by letting yourself have one you are actually helping yourself in the long run. Although it feels like the bad mood started from nowhere, it probably didn't and there is a reason for why you feel the way that you do, even if you don't know what it is. So just accept it, and instead focus on how to move on from it.
Different methods work for different people. You have to think about you, and what is going to be best. Need to sweat it out in the gym? Go for it. just want to sit in bed, eat, watch Netflix and have a cry? We chose to spend a couple of hours in bed watching Friends eating homemade cookies, but whatever floats your boat - do it, and don't feel guilty for it.
Too often our biggest critic is ourselves, and we make our mood so much worse. Give yourself a down day (or a couple if that's what it takes) and just take a step back to figure out what you need. If you don't know, or what you need can't be achieved then what are you going to do about it? Take time to fix your attitude, and you will make the problem better.
It's ok to have a bad day, but it's not ok for it to turn into a bad life. So do what needs be, without any guilt, and remember the downer is only temporary.
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