Sunday, 1 March 2015

February Favourites

After the stress of January we were hoping for a nice quiet February (occasionally we are optimistic), but within the first week we knew this wasn't going to happen. We were set into an instant panic with assignment briefings and placement interviews, and as control freaks our minds instantly went into overdrive.

Although we could easily come up with plenty of moans regarding the month, we thought it might be slightly more enjoyable for you to read our favourites instead.


Favourite Discovery:

Vimto is the best mixer! With all the stress we've needed a drink (or five) and after becoming completely bored of all other mixers we've discovered one that makes our drinks half bearable. 

Favourite Food: 

Even looking at this picture again we are dribbling. 7 Bone (in Bournemouth & Southampton) officially sells the best burgers on the South Coast. One beef, one chicken, chips, mac & cheese bites (seriously, deep fried cheese and pasta, does it get much better?) plus a side of mac & cheese (we may be petite, but boy can we eat). We didn't want the last mouthful to end, and have no doubts that this will be our go to place when the burger cravings strike. 

Favourite Quote: 

Our reasoning behind this is in our post It's OK To Never Feel At Home. Living in a house this year (halls doesn't count, it's basically a year long holiday) has made us think about what having a 'home' actually means, and why we don't feel like we have one. 

Favourite Film: 

Not only is this a February favourite, but one of the best films we've seen in a long time. We went to the cinema to see this and at the end of the film, every single person in the cinema was silent. A must watch!

Favourite Book: 

Dave Trott's 'Predatory Thinking' is great for getting your brain waves working and for a bit of inspiration, whether that be at uni, work or just home life. The book is described as 'a masterclass in out-thinking the competition' and inspires different ways of thinking. You can get it for just £2.35 on Amazon (plus postage) and is definitely worth a read!

Favourite Bake:

Caramac Cookies! Em has been obsessed with Caramacs since she was little (seriously she keeps them everywhere, her desk/cupboard/car/bag), so these are pretty much perfection. They are so easy to make, and probably the most sickly things you will ever eat (in a good way). You can find the recipe here.

Favourite Polish: 

Ok this isn't actually new to February so it's a favourite re-discovery. With Spring just around the corner it's ta-ta to the dark shades and hello to the fresh, bright neutrals. Essie Fiji is has a slight pink tone, creating a clean fresh look (perfect for the brighter weather). 

So there you go - Our 7 February favourites. Do you share any of these? Or have some of your own? Let us know!


  1. I love the color of the polish!:)
    love, B

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Those cookies look absolutely delicious!
