Throughout our childhood we are constantly comforted when something doesn't go our way. It's instilled in us that 'there are no losers' and 'it's the taking part that counts', but do we ever really believe it?
When you've put your all into something, only to be told that you're not good enough, does anyone really think to themselves 'oh well at least I tried'? Maybe, but after receiving two rejections from placements today (Yep, all I can say is TGIF), I can safely tell you that it certainly isn't easy.
Rejection comes in all shapes and sizes, and it's hard to not take it personally. Sure it could have been for a million reasons that weren't entirely specific to you, but at the end of the day you were the one not wanted, so it's pretty hard for it not to feel like it's all on you.
Whether you've been rejected by someone, something you've applied to or just not accepted for any reason, its bound to make you feel pretty down about yourself, and can have a massive impact on your self-esteem, but you need to know that rejection is ok.
In fact, it's more than ok and can be one of the best ways to give yourself a new sense of direction. When we are looking to impress often we brag that we 'thrive with challenges', and being rejected is the perfect opportunity to make this true.
You've been rejected by a guy? Pick yourself up and show him what he's missing. Been rejected for a job you've applied to? Make your hunger for success stronger and find someone else to try and impress. Rejected because you didn't get the grades you needed? Then put your all into working hard enough to make up for your mistakes.
Being rejected is simply part of life, and it's something that no matter how hard we try, we will never be able to escape from. Growing up we are surrounded by teachers, families and the promise of less at stake to soften the blow, but as you get older you realise that coming back from rejection is completely down to you. Yes it's ok to be rejected, but it's not ok to let it get you down for too long.
I'd love to say that you should bounce straight back, but for many of us this just won't happen. So take some time to wallow in self pity, eat cake, have a cry and moan about how life just isn't fair (I've had a white hot chocolate and a brownie, it hasn't helped my waistline, but I do feel better), But don't let this last. Rejection makes you stronger, and learning from all that it brings will reduce your chances of being rejected again. Learn from your mistakes and come back stronger. Yes it hurts and is hard to get over, but it isn't the first and it won't be the last time you are rejected, and that's ok.
Emma x
Emma x
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